Friday, January 17, 2014

Are You Getting 10,000 Steps A Day?

We’ve gathered some little, simple ways to increase your daily step count & your weekly calorie deficit to help you shed the pounds. As we mentioned in our Top 10 Fitness Facts & Fictions blog, you don't have to sweat to be racking up your calorie burn. So, use these tips to get moving in the smallest of ways, and know that you're making a difference.
  • Take the stairs, even if it’s only two floors
  • Park at the far end of the parking lot
  • Get off the bus, subway, train at an earlier stop and walk the rest of the way
  • Go for walk at lunchtime and on your breaks
  • Find a new restroom, copy machine or water fountain on another floor
  • Try a new walking route from work or home to add variety
  • Wake up half an hour early and go for a walk
  • Stand up & march in place or walk around during TV commercials
  • After dinner, take a walk around the neighborhood
  • Go for walks with friend, a great way to catch up
  • Visit and walk local trails and parks
  • Find activities to do that are fun and involve walking, like visiting a museum or zoo
  • Take the dog for a walk
  • Walk around the mall before you do your shopping
  • Put on upbeat music when doing housework
  • Walk while you're on the phone
  • After grocery shopping, carry one item in at a time to put away
  • Pass by the drive-thru window and walk into the bank or restaurant
  • Benefit a good cause by joining a charity walk
  • Walk around the restaurant or parking lot while waiting to be seated
  • Skim the newspaper for upcoming events you can walk to, such as a garden tour, high school play, or a concert in the park
 What other day-to-day activities do you to do increase your steps? Share with us on our Facebook page!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How To Work Out When You Don't Want To

You planned it into your schedule. You’re lacing up your tennis shoes. But you can’t ignore the temptation to skip “just this once.” And that’s fine, if it really is “just this once.” It’s extremely important to pay attention to your body, and sometimes you’re just not feeling 100%.

But soon, sometimes becomes once a week, and then you can’t even remember where you put your gym bag. Before you get to that point, you need to remind yourself that there are ways to work up a sweat without schlepping along on a treadmill. Fitness should be fun. Here are our motivational tips.